New Year Resolution – Learn Sign Language

New year resolution - British Sign Language (BSL)

A Sign Language Resolution

The festive season is just about over now and the decorations will soon be back in the eaves for another year.  January has arrived and if you are anything like me then you have probably forgotten (or avoided) to think about what you will do for your New Year resolution in 2016.  If you are looking for something that you will actually enjoy, is fun, and can make a difference to the world of people around you then perhaps learning British Sign Language (BSL) is the resolution for you.

BSL is a very beautiful and expressive language.  In the British Isles BSL is used by around 150,000 people as their first language, with many thousands more relying it on a daily basis.  When you first see sign language being used it can seem like it might be a complicated thing to learn but you will probably be surprised at how quickly you will begin to hold conversations in sign language once you start learning.

For many people who use BSL simple activities such as going shopping or visiting the doctor, that many people take for granted, can be such a daunting and frustrating experience.  If more of us in the community would take just a few minutes to learn even a few basic BSL signs then we could really make such a difference.

You can learn a different BSL sign every day by visiting the ‘Sign of the Day’ page at  or searching for “British Sign Language” on Facebook.  You can also sign up to ‘Introducing British Sign Language‘ online course for a comprehensive introduction to BSL.

Choose a new year resolution that will make a difference this year – learn to sign.

BSL Fingerspelling - British Sign Language